Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Struggle is REAL

Good Morning!!!

This morning was rough!!!! I was faced with a decision to make about how I was going to get through this workout.

1. I am sick
2. I am sore
3. We did abs (which is a killer)

I am grateful for my friend who pushes me through the workout BUT i need to push myself.  After a conversation with MY Herbalife Coach I realized that I need those external motivators to get me through my workout. Which is not ok.. I need to get myself through those workouts and moments of struggle.

I know what I want and I am so close to getting it!!!! The road block is myself and I really need to let go of what is stopping me and push!!!! This is going to be a muscle that I must build! And if it were easy I would have already been there - but I know that once I get my results this is going to be so worth it and the feeling will be amazing!

My point with this post is that no matter what level we are at in our goals - fitness or not, there will always be struggles and we have to keep going and push through them. Stopping cant be an option because that will never get you to where you need to be.

I am ok with the idea that I failed today and didn't work AS hard as I SHOULD have.  But I will get up earlier tomorrow and try harder!!! That is the only way you know that you are not continuously failing.

Follow me on IG and watch the transformation


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