Friday, March 6, 2015

FCF = Fati's Crazy Friday!!!!!

Gooooodddd Morning!!!!

Today is a great day!!!

I have made it to my workout and successful did something that I am not use too! I challenged myself to work with Mike and push through whatever I didn't want too and make my workout happen.

Weights is so new to me that I have to make myself understand that this is a challenge myself to keep pushing through. Now today my full body is sore and I am in a bit of pain when I am moving but its all good pain... I am looking forward to the transformation that I am putting myself through....  This will all be worth it at the very end.  But there really is no end because you should always want to challenge yourself to get to the next level of greatness - whatever that means for you.

I am excited to continue my path an see what greatness lies ahead.....


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