Monday, June 23, 2014

Wedding Fun...


Well I went to a wedding yet again! And it was fun....  It was in Merced CA and it was in the middle of nowhere!

My Co-Worker and really good friend Ryan got married and so we all took the trip out there to celebrate his wedding! I don't think I will ever turn down an opportunity for a wedding! They are definitely fun and exciting to be at and makes you think of all the ideas for your big day!

For me it always makes me think of what I want and what I will look like on that day- and more importantly who I will be walking down the isle to... ugh ! what an exciting thought but a frustrating one as well.... I recently turned 31 and I think its been on my mind more and more as the days have gone by BUT I am a firm believer of  timing and the right person. So with that said I know that he is out there and will show up but its about time.... LOL I am so waiting on him to arrive-

I have posted some pictures from the wedding below.. You know me and selfies I am all about them! And I was hoping to make the bride and groom an album for their memories of the wedding.

I hope to keep the blog going and get more people to join in... spread the word yo! Join! Join! Join!

Enjoy the pics and until next time


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