Sunday, January 8, 2012

In London

Hi everyone!!!!!
Gosh seems like forever since I last wrote! I am currently in London and loving it!!!! The weather is crazy.... But that didn't stop me from site seeing and making the most of my trip. I have done so much walking and site seeing and just having the most amazing time. Of my life!!! The last 2 weeks have been so worth it and has really taught me to be more grateful in life and appreciate all my opportunities that I have been given. Life is great and I am so blessed.

I am going to the country side today and a city called Brighton that is seaside. I am spending my last day here with some relaxation and good food and people. I fly out tomorrow afternoon back to Brussels and that will be my final week. I have 3 days in Belgium and then back to Holland and take off from Amsterdam on the 13th. I am very much excited for the remainder of my trip and also looking forward to getting home and in my own bed. Miss my mum (British accent) hahahaha!

Going to do a whole blog on my shopping experience and how amazing it is in London and I will post photos of what I got! (there is a lot!!!!) and I did manage to get gifts hahaha.

Hope everyone is great and have an amazing week to come and I will probably write again when I am back at home in LA!


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