Sunday, February 19, 2012

Shady guys.....

Good evening....

So I am a little bit in the annoyed side. I thought I would just do a quick vent. I never expected that a guy in his 30's would act like a child and stand up a female. I thought that they've had enough sense to at least call. I mean that's stuff that kids do!!!!! I am in shock but then again why am I??? Guys are guys at any age and they truly never grow up. It's sad and pathetic but I guess sometimes we expect more when we clearly shouldn't.

I guess the search for mister right still continues....! I wonder what other females go through? Same stuff? Same drama? Same stupidity? It seems so lame and backwards. Ugh!!!! Oh well. Hope y'all are having an amazing Sunday evening. <3 !!!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Working out and staying fit.......

Hello Loves...

It's been a while since I have blogged.... I do miss it and keep adding things to my list of things to write about. Trying to keep it entertaining ;)

Well lately all of my focus has been on working out and getting back in y shape and mostly eating healthy!!!! Which I am sure most of you find hard to do as well. It's a serious lifestyle change and doesn't just happen overnight. I mean it can, but it can happen. I mean it's all about dedication and determination on what you want for yourself. What goals you're setting and how soon you want to reach them!

For me I like to see results ASAP! So I am challenging myself to stay on this path and continue to push myself and go harder at the gym and make myself push when I want to give up and stop. When it starts to hurt its when then that you have to keep going and that's the way you see results. I am excited to see the changes. I am currently losing my water weight but it's a great feeling to notice a tiny change in my body and more importantly how I feel.

I think it's super important to ask questions and use the people around you and be resourceful. I google things all the time, and ask friends advice about what movement is best for this part of my body. You get great input and add to your routine. I also find that finding things that motivate you is helpful. I use a lot to look up motivational pictures and quotes... I will post some of my favorite ones below and a picture of my goal body.

I want to see what my body will look like in 90 days and have started this challenge. I have taken a before picture and will post soon (I think lol) don't want to scare you all off!!!! But hope you all got some kind of motivation from here and I will be posting any tips and workouts that I think will be helpful.