Thursday, January 19, 2012

Lush haul & Reviews....

Hello my loves....

I recently went to Lush.... Finally and got a whole bunch of goodies! I have never used their products before and so I decided to give it a shot! I got a couple things and I am very much impressed for the most part!  I am actually going back on Saturday for their grand opening and going to get a couple more things....   So hope you are enjoying your Lush products and if you have looked into these products, here is a quick and easy review.....


So I have only used this once, but I do have to say that when I opened it up, it smelled fresh and I loved that it was chilled because you have to keep it in the fridge~! So it goes on kind of ugly and you don't look nice while you have it one but once I washed my face and dried it - I felt so fresh! My face is very much acne prone and so I think this was the best mask for me as far as what they had to offer.  It has only been one use but I think it will make a difference if used properly. It has an expiration date of 1-29-2012 so you know the ingredients are fresh! and all natural.  It was only 7 dollars so not that big of an investment but I so far love using it and am hopeful that it will work.  I am on a full force save my face mission!! lets see how it goes....

For a list of ingredients for each of these products go to the website.


So I wanted a spot treatment for acne breakouts... and I figured that since I am going or trying to go all natural I would give this a shot.  It is in a form of a gel and you really only need a tiny, tiny pump and you just rub it on the problem areas and let it dry.  The first time I used it the amount I applied was too much and it made my face feel really dry and crunchy- but that's because I applied too much.  You really only need to dab a small amount and the rub it in. I have used this for 2 or 3 days now. I apply at night before bed after I have washed my face and in the morning I apply my makeup and after I of course washed my face.  It has dried out a couple of my pimples but of course I think I will see dramatic results after a couple more uses but I am pleased with the product over all.


Okayy...... well this is the product that I am the most excited about this product! I have a huge problem with thinning hair, and while I was there of course I inquired about hair treatments and shampoo's.  I have used I think all of the products there is for thinning hair and at home remedies. So I decided lets try this! So far.... eh! I got one for my mom as well and she swears she loves it! She says that it has stopped her hair from falling as much and she loves the feel of her hair.  She has been using it daily and I use it every other day as I don't want to wash my hair daily.  I noticed the first wash that my hair was really dry on the tips and the texture was weird.  BUT I also needed a hair cut badly and finally got one! So it could have been my hair and the need for a trim.  So after my trim I used it again and I think its ok! I want to use fully and see what happens with my hair.  The girl that sold it to me said her mom has been using it for 4 weeks and she notices new hair growing back. So I am interested in seeing the results on me.  I shall do a mid month update on the Lush products.

Hope these tiny reviews help you decide on what to get and not get and try.... I know its all very new to me so I will def do an updated review on how I am doing with all the products.  I also will do a Lush Haul post after I go on saturday.  Have an amazing day lovies!!!!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

In London

Hi everyone!!!!!
Gosh seems like forever since I last wrote! I am currently in London and loving it!!!! The weather is crazy.... But that didn't stop me from site seeing and making the most of my trip. I have done so much walking and site seeing and just having the most amazing time. Of my life!!! The last 2 weeks have been so worth it and has really taught me to be more grateful in life and appreciate all my opportunities that I have been given. Life is great and I am so blessed.

I am going to the country side today and a city called Brighton that is seaside. I am spending my last day here with some relaxation and good food and people. I fly out tomorrow afternoon back to Brussels and that will be my final week. I have 3 days in Belgium and then back to Holland and take off from Amsterdam on the 13th. I am very much excited for the remainder of my trip and also looking forward to getting home and in my own bed. Miss my mum (British accent) hahahaha!

Going to do a whole blog on my shopping experience and how amazing it is in London and I will post photos of what I got! (there is a lot!!!!) and I did manage to get gifts hahaha.

Hope everyone is great and have an amazing week to come and I will probably write again when I am back at home in LA!
