Friday, November 18, 2011

Twlight Saga

Hi Everyone:

Now I know not everyone is a Twilight Saga fan but I am a huge fan of the series. I have read all the books and love them all. But i connect more with Eclipse and the whole break up and how alone she felt! Having recently gone through something like that I could totally understand and relate to the situation.  Even though at the time I was single and not coming out of a relationship, I actually was starting one, but I felt like I was going through the break up myself.  The book was so well written and I connected so well with it that I felt like I was Bella and i was going through all the pain and suffering she was. But looking back now and remembering the things she did to "see" Edward I 100% relate to that and actually think that I would do the same thing.  When you are missing someone so much and just want to hear their voice for a single moment you will do just about anything to get that. 

The other 3 books were amazing as well and all wrapped up nice but the second book was my favorite by far! I am going sunday morning to watch part one of Breaking Dawn and I am super excited! Cant wait to see it all ont he big screen! Hope you all get to watch the movie and hope you all enjoy it as much as I do and will.



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