Sunday, November 27, 2011

Top 10 Nail polish


Just wanted to do a favorite nail polish post. I love hearing what other people love as their favorites. So here is mine and I realize there are a lot of dark colors but I guess that's just my favorite style. Darker rather than lighter. Hope you all enjoy!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Twlight Saga

Hi Everyone:

Now I know not everyone is a Twilight Saga fan but I am a huge fan of the series. I have read all the books and love them all. But i connect more with Eclipse and the whole break up and how alone she felt! Having recently gone through something like that I could totally understand and relate to the situation.  Even though at the time I was single and not coming out of a relationship, I actually was starting one, but I felt like I was going through the break up myself.  The book was so well written and I connected so well with it that I felt like I was Bella and i was going through all the pain and suffering she was. But looking back now and remembering the things she did to "see" Edward I 100% relate to that and actually think that I would do the same thing.  When you are missing someone so much and just want to hear their voice for a single moment you will do just about anything to get that. 

The other 3 books were amazing as well and all wrapped up nice but the second book was my favorite by far! I am going sunday morning to watch part one of Breaking Dawn and I am super excited! Cant wait to see it all ont he big screen! Hope you all get to watch the movie and hope you all enjoy it as much as I do and will.



Friday, November 11, 2011

My First trip to Europe!!!

Paris  JUly 2011 with my cousins

 Streets of Paris as we were walking up the big hill in between the citys to get a great view of the city.

 This was the final view of the top of the hill! All of Paris visable!  Amazing view and Amazing experience.  Being my first time in Europe I had the most fabulous time ever! Everything I saw and everything I experienced was amazing! Nothing like LA or Cali- its a literally a whole different world! But I loved every minute of it and wouldnt trade any of it for the world!!!  I have attached more photos below of the whole trip.... Hope you all enjoy!

Even though I flew into Amsterdam I statyed in Rotterdam with my family.  So this was the first actual day of site seeing and Paris came next (sorry they are out of order) S0 the Next set of picutres are from Amsterdam and the day we spent there.... Lots of interesting moments in Amsterdam- as you can imagine!

 This was during the boat trip...

This starts my adventure in Belgium - Antewerp & Brussles! Had an amazing time - had waffles and shopped and had a full day with the girls.

and finally here are some fashion shots from my trip... Its Europe so had to spice it up a notch!  :)

Thanks for following me through my journey in Europe! Stay tunned for more travel tips and more pictures - as I am going back in December! Have a great weekend everyone!!! <3 Fati