Friday, April 24, 2015


Good Afternoon,

So recently I have come to the understanding that you need to find YOUR motivation where ever you can get it.

People in our lives are not here to build us up! They are here to build themselves up- get themselves ahead - make something of themselves ONLY.

Trust me when I speak from personal experience in that even when you think you can trust someone and they are extremely close to you, they can and will probably still screw you over. Nothing in this world is guaranteed.  People act which ever way they want due to the things that are going on in their lives.

I have recently been let down by a great friend and mentor that I held to a high standard and respect tremendously.  These changes that I am going through calls for many - many - many hours of personal development.  I think that the only thing that has truly saved me from going totally nuts is being able to hear my thoughts out and understand my thought process way better than I use to do.

I know that people are going to continuously break me down in my current situation and that will not change but I will need to rise above it and make things better for myself. That means its time to get uncomfortable and step outside of my norm and become uncomfortable.

I need to push myself in everything - my workouts, job, herbalife - EVERYTHING-

I am turning a new chapter m life and in what I am about. I am turning on the beast mode part of my life.... I need to start progressing in life and i need to do it on my own.  No one is here for me and it all rides on my shoulders.

But that is ok- I am going to be "self-made" and I am going to prove to all those that hated me and lied on me that they were wrong and that Fati... Fatema is NOT a loser and not incapable.  I will one day have my own assistant and that assistant will be treated like gold! Because what you do is treat people 100% better than how you were treated when you were at a lower level.

I dont understand the people that are operating from a place of hate even though they were hated on themselves.  That is the confusing part for me. They did not GROW and develop. They made decisions that took them to the top but didn't personally develop them to be a better person. And that is also ok and that is also something that a great leader you have to identify and learn to grow and really deal with people.

When you master how to handle those types of people and their energies early on then you are able to handle anything later on in your path and your career.  Its much easier said than done. But its something that you have to actively work towards.

At the end of the day- I am currently faced with so much adversity and change...and in this moment nothing seems like its going to be ok but it really will be ok. I know that I am destined to be better!!! I can't be average - I will find success and I will only surround myself with successful people and make it easy and simple. I will do what it takes- END OF STORY! THERE ARE NO OTHER OPTIONS!!!!

PLEASE watch this video and listen to what Ray Lewis has to say and focus on his words for what he is trying to say to us..... LOVE IT.


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