So there have been some major changes in my life recently....
Making a move to look for a new job due to some unfortunate events... This has been a part of the overall theme and direction of where I want to take my life.
So many things play a role in this theme:
My workouts-
My Professional Path-
My Herbalife -
My Personal Goals
Many aspects of this theme are hard to understand when you are in IT and can't "understand" why this is happening to you. There are so many sob stories that are possibly running through your head and you can live in those for all you want but it wont get you anywhere because they are just stories. You have to as an ADULT who IS capable of picking up the pieces and move on do just that!!!!
People are always looking for that direction from a great LEADER but understand this - you can have great people in your life that you think are "LEADERS" that are masked as that but they are not. Accept leadership where you get it- but understand that its not always what you need - getting uncomfortable and becoming a LEADER is what I need personally.
I am overcoming a situation where I thought I had a mentor- I thought I was in a situation where I was going to grow and become better than what I was now. Being "groomed" for a better life and advancement in my career and life.
"Giving you nuggets"
"This is a teachable moment"
"Personal Development"
All these things were spoken to me on a daily basis but when it came time to put the theory into practice none of those traits actually were what I got. And that's ok. Because the most IMPORTANT thing that I have learned from Herbalife is that you must be Personally Developed. When I first started my path with Herbalife I didn't understand this because I thought I had the Personal/ Professional Development Guru at my disposal and I knew it all. But I was looking at things through foggy lens. Cool No Problem!!!
Its about how you pick your self back up and carry on! I just watched a video that Garrian Jones, 30K Executive Presidents Team Member posted about focus on the good did- and it all hit home. You have to focus on whats right.... and then everything will start to be right.
With this current situation I was in my head and cried - was the victim and did all the emotions that I could think of. and that just brought me more down and nothing productive came out of it. I need to move away from that and this I am ready to GROW. This is a hurtful change and that is usually when growth happens.
I have uploaded this video from Ray Lewis and and it hits home because I feel like he is speaking to me directly and I love it!!!
Please take this post as an outlet for a time for you to get better and to achieve what you need in life and dont disrespect yourself out of fear of being afraid of what might be. Stand up tall and do what you need to do!
Fun life changing experiences to come!!!