Monday, February 17, 2014

Master in Higher Education Administration..... #stressed


 I spent my Sunday being very productive at Starbucks... besides the small amount of time I spent people watching, I actually got a lot of work done while I was there.  I am graduating in the fall and I am beginning to feel the super stress of it all. Work is getting super busy and I am definitely feeling more pressure from all angels.  But I do see the light at the end  of the tunnel.  I feel it super important to keep it going... I have managed to keep a 3.9 GPA throughout the whole two years and only getting on B+ ... which I was not exactly happy about!!! But that's life and you have to be able to roll with the punches and do better next time.

Even though I was studying I wanted to still feel pretty and fresh... So I spiced it up with a bit of make up to keep me awake and ready to go.  On my face I used the following products:  
Foundation - Make up Forever Matt foundation 
Brows: NYX Brow palette
Eye shadow: Urban Decay Naked Neutral Palette 
EOS Lip Balm 
Brow Eyeliner 

I think its super important to always look your best because that helps you to feel amazing when you are doing something you don't always want to be doing. 

Till next time.... Smooches

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