Wednesday, May 20, 2015

My Herbalife

Hey Guys,

Just wanted to re-share my link!!!! Summer is around the corner and you dont want to be left with reasons to not be at the beach summer beach body ready!!!!

Happy shopping!


Friday, May 8, 2015

Job Search Engines & Updates

Grateful Morning Everyone!!!!

"Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better." - Dr. Steve Maraboli #quotes

I am so grateful to be alive and healthy and able to get up and
Walk on my own!!!!
Breathe on my own!!!!
Take care of myself!!!!
Have a home!
Have a beautiful car!
Have a job!

Have enough sense to know that I have the tools to make myself better!!! There is time to feel bad and there is time to hold my head down and be sad but then we have to get up and get things going. I am so proud of myself in the last two weeks because I have picked myself up and got going.

There has been so much change in my day/Life/ Routine.  I am easily distracted and derailed and that is something that I am working on. I know my weakness and I know areas that I need to work on. But that is something that I am aware of.  Life goes on! And things will get better.

But bouncing back on your feet and making the best of your situation is what will either make you or break you.  SO that brings me to the point of my job search! I have not looked or applied for a job for 8 years! It has been a long time and this is so new to me and I am not well-versed in the places to look and how to look for anything.  So when I asked around I was told to use the following sites:


These sites have been a life saver! I have found some amazing opportunities on here and has opened my eyes to what is out there.  There are tons of opportunities out there and you don't need to worry about anything else.

You have to really apply yourself and make it a priority to apply to jobs online and that's what I did.  I made it a goal to apply for 8-10 jobs a day.  That has helped me tremendously and has worked in my favor.  I have gotten tons of calls - phone interviews - face to face interviews and I know that I have options and I have made a great impact in this goal and I know that I will find something that is fitting and for me.

You cant give up! You cant get discouraged and think that it wont happen.  It might not happen right away but it will. It will be what you put in you will get out.  That is the key... Some of the jobs and some of the interviews have not been amazing and some have been. But that's all the chance that you have to take.  But I know this:

1. Next job will have a pay increase

2.  Need a place with longevity

3. Need a place where I would be happy

4. Opportunity for growth

These are my top 4 must haves in my next job. I know that my next move will have to be a good one because I dont want to jump around and go from job to job - that's not my style at all. So I know I have to make a clear decision and not an emotional decision.


Nature Photography  - Text - Type - Quote -  Fine Art Photograph - Follow Your Bliss - Typography - Light - Blue
I am doing great in my workouts- I have been using some of my frustrations and anger to work for me in my workouts.  I am up to doing 15 push-ups and not stopping in between!!!!

THAT IS HUGE FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was up to doing 10 and then I had to finish up doing them on my knees "girly push-ups"  Oh no! I want to do real push-ups.....

I am so super excited to be able to do more and step up my game! I am so excited about that. Nothing is going to stop me from getting my results. I plan to keep pushing till I can do 20 and then there will be another goal and another! Until I am at a point where doing 50 is easy work!


I am blessed - life is good - Alhamduliah-

That's all! At the end of the day you have to really be thankful for all that you HAVE and be grateful for the people that are in your lives! You have to be comfortable with failure and loss.

I have lost a best friend - A older brother - Father figure but I WILL BE OK! You will gain someone else in your life that has better meaning in your life and will serve a better purpose.  Some people come in your life for a reason and then leave for a reason also! Think positive and the best is yet to come!


The best is yet to come free printable for new year's!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Up Grading My Life

Good Morning! Good Morning! Good Morning!

I just came across a blog that has some great ideas on apps for a business woman on the rise! I am already downloading a couple of them to test them out!

Best Apps For Professional Women | Of Mercer Blog

Best Apps For Professional Women | Of Mercer Blog | Main Image

That is the link to the ladies blog! I think we can all use some of these tips to help us organize our lives! I am on this new path and I want to use what is out there and NOT re-invent the wheel! Use what is there for you and get productive and get ready!!!

Our lives are passing us by and we are not happy and we are externally driven by factors that are so superficial - lets do what makes us happy and productive the rest will fall into place!!!

Have an amazing day!!!


Thursday, April 30, 2015

Major Changes

Good Morning! Good Morning! Good Morning!

So there have been some major changes in my life recently....

Making a move to look for a new job due to some unfortunate events... This has been a part of the overall theme and direction of where I want to take my life.



So many things play a role in this theme:

My workouts-
My Professional Path-
My Herbalife -
My Personal Goals

Many aspects of this theme are hard to understand when you are in IT and can't "understand" why this is happening to you.  There are so many sob stories that are possibly running through your head and you can live in those for all you want but it wont get you anywhere because they are just stories.  You have to as an ADULT who IS capable of picking up the pieces and move on do just that!!!!

People are always looking for that direction from a great LEADER but understand this - you can have great people in your life that you think are "LEADERS" that are masked as that but they are not.  Accept leadership where you get it- but understand that its not always what you need - getting uncomfortable and becoming a LEADER is what I need personally.


I am overcoming a situation where I thought I had a mentor- I thought I was in a situation where I was going to grow and become better than what I was now. Being "groomed" for a better life and advancement in my career and life.

"Giving you nuggets"
"This is a teachable moment"
"Personal Development"

All these things were spoken to me on a daily basis but when it came time to put the theory into practice none of those traits actually were what I got.  And that's ok.  Because the most IMPORTANT thing that I have learned from Herbalife is that you must be Personally Developed.  When I first started my path with Herbalife I didn't understand this because I thought I had the Personal/ Professional Development Guru at my disposal and I knew it all. But I was looking at things through foggy lens.  Cool No Problem!!!

Its about how you pick your self back up and carry on! I just watched a video that Garrian Jones, 30K Executive Presidents Team Member posted about focus on the good did- and it all hit home.  You have to focus on whats right.... and then everything will start to be right.

With this current situation I was in my head and cried - was the victim and did all the emotions that I could think of. and that just brought me more down and nothing productive came out of it.  I need to move away from that and this I am ready to GROW. This is a hurtful change and that is usually when growth happens.

Effort is what NEEDS to happen to make what you WANT happen.  I am convinced that all these changes in my life is what I need to make positive changes in my life.  I am PROUD of the woman i am and the person I have become. Nothing can hold me down or back from anything but myself.  My skills are moving me to greater lengths and areas that I need to be to excel.  I am SO PROUD OF MYSELF WORDS TO DONT DESCRIBE.

I have uploaded this video from Ray Lewis and and it hits home because I feel like he is speaking to me directly and I love it!!!

Please take this post as an outlet for a time for you to get better and to achieve what you need in life and dont disrespect yourself out of fear of being afraid of what might be.  Stand up tall and do what you need to do!


Fun life changing experiences to come!!!


Friday, April 24, 2015


Good Afternoon,

So recently I have come to the understanding that you need to find YOUR motivation where ever you can get it.

People in our lives are not here to build us up! They are here to build themselves up- get themselves ahead - make something of themselves ONLY.

Trust me when I speak from personal experience in that even when you think you can trust someone and they are extremely close to you, they can and will probably still screw you over. Nothing in this world is guaranteed.  People act which ever way they want due to the things that are going on in their lives.

I have recently been let down by a great friend and mentor that I held to a high standard and respect tremendously.  These changes that I am going through calls for many - many - many hours of personal development.  I think that the only thing that has truly saved me from going totally nuts is being able to hear my thoughts out and understand my thought process way better than I use to do.

I know that people are going to continuously break me down in my current situation and that will not change but I will need to rise above it and make things better for myself. That means its time to get uncomfortable and step outside of my norm and become uncomfortable.

I need to push myself in everything - my workouts, job, herbalife - EVERYTHING-

I am turning a new chapter m life and in what I am about. I am turning on the beast mode part of my life.... I need to start progressing in life and i need to do it on my own.  No one is here for me and it all rides on my shoulders.

But that is ok- I am going to be "self-made" and I am going to prove to all those that hated me and lied on me that they were wrong and that Fati... Fatema is NOT a loser and not incapable.  I will one day have my own assistant and that assistant will be treated like gold! Because what you do is treat people 100% better than how you were treated when you were at a lower level.

I dont understand the people that are operating from a place of hate even though they were hated on themselves.  That is the confusing part for me. They did not GROW and develop. They made decisions that took them to the top but didn't personally develop them to be a better person. And that is also ok and that is also something that a great leader you have to identify and learn to grow and really deal with people.

When you master how to handle those types of people and their energies early on then you are able to handle anything later on in your path and your career.  Its much easier said than done. But its something that you have to actively work towards.

At the end of the day- I am currently faced with so much adversity and change...and in this moment nothing seems like its going to be ok but it really will be ok. I know that I am destined to be better!!! I can't be average - I will find success and I will only surround myself with successful people and make it easy and simple. I will do what it takes- END OF STORY! THERE ARE NO OTHER OPTIONS!!!!

PLEASE watch this video and listen to what Ray Lewis has to say and focus on his words for what he is trying to say to us..... LOVE IT.


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Good Morning !!!!!

Please watch/listen and enjoy- learn - apply!!!!  Make sure that when something bad happens you are prepared and equipped to make the best choices possible- Control your own destiny. 

Don't allow others to have power over you to control how you feel in YOUR day... this YOUR life and you have to make the right choices for yourself! All you have is you.... 


Monday, April 13, 2015


Hi Guys,

Today have been dealing with a lot of negativity and people that are working from  a place of hate and jealousy.  People that are around me are not the type of people that are personally developed and equipped to handle how to be a leader with the right steps in place to be a great leader.

Since I have been involved with Herbalife I have learned to do personal development so that when things happen I brush them off. I am training myself to see my VISION and my GOALS to not worry about the things that people DO to me on a daily basis as important. Its no longer an issue.

My goal is to not allow people get under my skin. I am not there yet - I am still working on ME! I am working on this muscle so that I can be stronger when people come at me sideways.

This comes from family - friends - co-workers EVERYONE!!!! I am not there yet but I am doing personal development daily - every morning!! and Recently all day at work because I have to cut out the noise and listen to something amazing!!!

I have also decided that I am working towards finding my WHY - what is the reason for what I do? I have to find out what my WHY is and how am I going to get it? And what happens after? This is hard work and will take some soul searching and deep understanding of my intentions.

I have been very consistent with my workouts and most of my meals are 100% on point and I have gotten amazing results- now I have to work on the other results that are coming slower. I am not going to be satisfied- I have learned to be uncomfortable and to be ready for constant change.

ERIC THOMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eric Thomas has become my dude! He speaks to me in a way that no one has ever reached out! He reminds me of someone that I once knew that was very close to me in life and she and I are no longer that close.  He speaks in a  language that HURTS and HITS home!!!! I am seeing things in a different lens because of his words.  He is REAL and does not sugar coat it. You can hear his passion when he speaks!!!

I listen to him every morning as I am getting ready! He pumps me up at 3am for my workout and all day during my work day to keep me calm and focused! Please check him out if you need someone to help you and get some motivation throughout your day!

I will leave you with some quotes from him! Enjoy- Apply - Become
