Sunday, November 30, 2014


Hello .... Hello .... Hello....

I have been gone for a while but its because I have been so busy..... I have recently started working out super hard and seeing amazing results!!! I have also picked up a second job at CPK (California Pizza Kitchen) as a host.  I graduated also and have my masters... I AM DONE!!!!

So lets start with school... I finished my comprehensive exam and I am waiting for my actual graduation and to walk across the stage and be done!!! That was such a release and such a gratifying moment in my life.  I was so stressed and worked so hard to finish everything that I had worked so hard for.  It took so much out of me but I finished hard core and I am so proud of myself!!!!!  I am a graduate and have a MA!!!!!  :)

Second Job..... well since I didn't get the promotion I was expecting at CSUN - I decided to pick up a part time job to make up for the difference of money to help me speed up paying some bills off. It has been super great to have the extra money but its been a lot of work! I spend a lot of time at "work" and no time for me really. But time will tell when I can quit and until then I have to grind it out and keep going.  Which leads me to my third update....

I sell HERBALIFE!!!! I know that sounds so crazy... but this all started with my workout journey.  I started the Boot Camp at work and that sparked an interest in me to workout more and get a trainer.  I got a personal trainer for a couple months and it turned out to be such a mistake. I wish I didn't spend the money on him and did herbalife from the start.  I found my herbalife coach on Instagram.  Very random and I am so glad I did and I LOVE IT!!!!

I started off as just using the product an working out very hard! I decided to become a member and see where that gets me.  I mainly am focusing on me but I decided that I want to help others as well and have them see results that I have seen using this product.  I am a proud user of Herbalife and I wear the brand an speak about it any opportunity I can.  I will use it forever and will spread the good use of it wherever I can.

I have lost a total of 15 pounds... I have also met a group of people that are so incredibly happy and positive that I have been growing to come out of  my shy and self conscious shell and grow! and get better at everything that I do daily... if it is at work, working out, personal relationships or personal development!! Everything I do, I have been taught to do it 100% and to give it all I have at all times.  Herbalife has shown me that I can work hard and get positive results from my dedication back.

I can probably not sell a penny and still purchase my products and be 100% ok! I mean I would love to get people to grow with me and get to where they want to be but at the same time its not 100% of all that I am into.  I would love to improve myself and then with that people that need me I am there for them! Until then I can just focus on what I can.... and thats the best part about this community and the new people I have met....

I will be adding more transformation pictures and my workout journey as I go through this so that anyone that is struggling with weight loss can be inspired as I have been with others posting about their journey.  Its a work in progress and we have to remember that and not give up!!! You have to find one person that is there for you and able to show you the workouts and the nutrition and what to do and not do. I am blessed to have an amazing Herbalife Coach and learning from him daily and tips and actions I can pass on to others myself.

I hope that you all like the workout journey portion of my blog... I will also link videos and Vlogs as a new addition and hopefully more people will join the conversation and transformation.

Have an amazing night everyone!!!!!
