So this weekend I for the first time experienced 100% pure racism directed from a person in my life that I have more expectations from. I was out and a friend used the "N" word towards me and a friend that was very nasty and hurtful. She said it with so much hate in her heart that it was very disgusting. I am no longer friends with this person because that is something that I cant accept in my life. People like that deserve to be left alone and to learn how to work through their issues.
Our society has come so far and yet its 2014 and we are so behind on what it means to not be racist and make ignorant comments like the way that this person did. When this happened I stood there and was so shocked that it took me a minute to register and I just walked away and left. Having so much hate inside is sad for anyone to walk around with.
I think a lot of this stems from having low self-esteem and not having a good understanding of who we are and what our purpose and direction is. Not being self aware is a one of the worst things that can possibly happen. This whole experience has shocked me so much that I thought I would put it out there and see if anyone else has experienced such hatred? This is so far off beauty and fashion but its an important topic and I think its one that we often look over as if its not relevant anymore but it really is. I think that its just hidden well and we don't recognize it as hate and racism.
Being a Muslim women in America, I know that there is hate and racism still out there - and I understand that people have not evolved as much as we would have liked them too. I think that it came from someone so close to me that was the shocking factor and the deal breaker in the friendship. We have to learn to grow at all times and we have to surround ourselves with people that will encourage us to grow and get better as well. IF we only surround ourselves with people that hold us down and don't allow our minds to grow then we are truly to blame as well. We have to make sure that we are self-aware of what is going on around us!
Hope you take something away from this and helps you to handle a situation like this positively.