Monday, June 23, 2014

Wedding Fun...


Well I went to a wedding yet again! And it was fun....  It was in Merced CA and it was in the middle of nowhere!

My Co-Worker and really good friend Ryan got married and so we all took the trip out there to celebrate his wedding! I don't think I will ever turn down an opportunity for a wedding! They are definitely fun and exciting to be at and makes you think of all the ideas for your big day!

For me it always makes me think of what I want and what I will look like on that day- and more importantly who I will be walking down the isle to... ugh ! what an exciting thought but a frustrating one as well.... I recently turned 31 and I think its been on my mind more and more as the days have gone by BUT I am a firm believer of  timing and the right person. So with that said I know that he is out there and will show up but its about time.... LOL I am so waiting on him to arrive-

I have posted some pictures from the wedding below.. You know me and selfies I am all about them! And I was hoping to make the bride and groom an album for their memories of the wedding.

I hope to keep the blog going and get more people to join in... spread the word yo! Join! Join! Join!

Enjoy the pics and until next time


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Power of Prayer

Hello.. Hello...

I have to get better at keeping up with this blog! I do apologize for that! I have been so busy with life and school and work that I have not had time to write! Even though in reality I have so much to write about!!!!

Today I really want to focus on the power of prayer and what it means to actually sit down and pray and speak to your god - whichever religion you follow. I am Muslim and so I pray to Allah.  I recently have been dealing with a lot of stress and fear in my life.  I work with people that are not the most of the positive folks around and it has become extremely difficult at times to understand the reasons as to why they do the things that they do. This is also the month of Ramadan and that is one of my favorite times of the year and I thoroughly enjoy fasting and being close to Allah.  It is hard and its a struggle to get through the day and remain positive but its a great challenge.  And I feel so much stronger coming out of that month. I feel fresh on a daily basis because I am praying and I have a closer connection to Allah.

So I have tried to turn my anger and disappointment and resentment towards the people that are affecting me on a daily basis into a passion and drive to pray and get better for myself.  I really have made a pact to myself to improve FATI... Improve ME!  The people around me are flawed and yes I know that.  But what good does it do me to continue to speak on that instead of speaking the words of Allah and move on with my life and do something that will increase my prosperity and make me a better person.  This is a very hard thing to do when you are truly upset and hurt. I know because I have felt it in the last couple months!!! But last night I realized that the angrier I get, the more power these people have in how I live my life- and I want to live for me and only me.

I made a choice last night to go home - relax and then get up and do my Namaz (prayers) and feel good about myself and what I bring to the table. I am leaving all of my concerns and issues in Allah's hands! I know that through the power of Dua (prayer) that Allah will listen to my heart and see the effort and the overall picture and help me to become better and assist me.  Allah or your God will never leave you stranded when you speak from your heart and are open.

I have started a pinterest board about dua's and I have pasted a couple of the dua's and quotes I enjoy and help me throughout the day to remain calm and not allow negative people to latch on to MY DAY and make it a bad one!

Hope you all can take something away from this and feel that whatever you're going too is never too big or two small to pray and talk to God - whoever your god being....GOD LISTENS!!!!


Dua for forgiveness...May Allah forgive us for our sins...

Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas, “Allah forgives him who repents to Him” [Sahih Bukhari 6436]

Productive Muslim: How to overcome hardship

YES- blessed be the unanswered because there may be a better answer

Each thought, each action in the sunlight of awareness becomes sacred.  ― Thich Nhat Hanh, "Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life"

Jealousy Quotes | Move On Quotes |
